Limited Edition Prints

Bruce has an exclusive range of limited edition reproductions of selected works available.

These are high quality individually-numbered prints on heavyweight art paper (or canvas if the buyer prefers not to frame behind glass).

The quality of the reproduction is indistinguishable from the original painting.

These can be printed to sizes suitable for the purchaser - generally a multiple of the original work.

Prices vary by print and the size ordered, however as a guide most prints listed are between AUD $300 and $500 when printed at original size (price for print only, not including framing or shipping).

Bruce can supply ready-framed prints if the customer requests; and can advise on costs according to the specific print. If framing is not requested the print will be supplied unframed.

Shipping costs are extra and vary depending on the size, destination and whether the print is purchased framed or unframed.

Purchase enquiries can be made through the contact form on this website or via direct message on Instagram.

Current prints

Gathering Bait at the One Mile
“Gathering Bait at the One Mile”
35cm x 50 cm
Limited edition of 100

A Walk along the Front
“A Walk along the Front”
Large: 41 cm x 61 cm
Small: 27 x 51 cm
Limited edition of 100

Turn of the Tide
“Turn of the Tide”
Large: 56 cm x 47 cm
Smaller size also available
Limited edition of 50

A Grey Dawn Breaking
“A Grey Dawn Breaking” (Manly Boat Harbour)
Small: 35 x 54 cm
Limited edition of 50

Evening Clouds,
“Evening Clouds, Frenchman’s Beach”
Small 29cm x 55 cm
Limited edition of 50

Sheep May Safely Graze
“Sheep May Safely Graze”
Small: 25 x 64 cm
limited edition of 50

Evening at the Pelican Banks, Moreton Bay
“Evening at the Pelican Banks, Moreton Bay”
Small 26 x 56 cm
Limited edition of 100

“The Orange Umbrella, Venice”
45cm x 48cm
Limited edition of 100

Dance August 30
“Country Dance Hall”
Large 50.5 cm x 81 cm
Small: 40 cm x 65 cm
Limited edition of 100

Darling Point, Manly
“Darling Point, Manly”
25 cm x 56 cm
Limited edition of 100

“Grain Silos”
40 cm x 56 cm
Limited edition of 100

Venetian Gothic
“Venetian Gothic”
45 cm x 60 cm
Limited edition of 100

“Track to the Woolshed”
42 cm x 63 cm
Limited edition of 100

“Fishing Shed, Tasmania”
45 cm x 59 cm
Limited edition of 100